Preseason Pretest by Jillian Adriana | Aug 7, 2020 | 0 comments Welcome to your 25-question Preseason Pretest! 1. If an entrepreneur wants to calculate what their business really pocketed, they should look at their: A. Net income B. Gross profit margin C. Revenue D. Cash flow None 2. Incarcerated people reduce their odds of recidivating by 43% by: A. Wanting to change B. Participating in correctional education programs C. Not getting disciplinary cases D. Only committing misdemeanors None 3. Prosocial thinking and behavior refers to: A. Acting professionally in social situations B. Acting in a way that is positive and promotes social acceptance and friendship C. Refining skills to act professionally D. Acting in a way that leads to making friends quickly None 4. One of your most important networking tools is your: A. Professional hairstyle B. Business card C. Business attire D. Smile None 5. Business ideation is: A. Entrepreneurs presenting their ideal business vision to investors B. Monetizing ideas C. Entrepreneurs’ brainstorming of multiple business ideas to solve customer problems D. Asking customers their ideal price for the product None 6. The key to coming up with a solid business idea that works is to be: A. Secretive B. Innovative C. Useful D. Market-oriented None 7. The statement, “Everything’s been taken from me, so now I can take what I want” is an example of: A. Consumerism B. Criminal thinking C. Lying by commission D. A give and take economy None 8. Some states have a “ban the box” law, which forbids companies from: A. Running background checks B. Hiring people who check a box disclosing a violent criminal history C. Rejecting people based on their criminal backgrounds D. Asking applicants to check a box on applications to disclose criminal records None 9. Romanticized expectations from our loved ones about our release often lead to: A. Unnecessary pressure and failure B. Rekindled romance C. Sexual frustrations D. Pleasant reunions None 10. In the job searching process, you should share your criminal history: A. Only if/when asked about it B. In your cover letter C. At the start of the interview D. When you are informed that the company will run a background check None 11. At a professional networking event, the proper way to introduce yourself, if your name is Bobby Jones, is: A. Excuse the interruption of your day; my name is Bobby Jones B. Pardon me, Bobby Jones here C. Hi, I’m Bobby Jones D. Hello, I’m Mr. Bobby Jones None 12. A competitive advantage you provide to an employer is that when they hire you within one year of release, the employer can qualify for: A. Criminal insurance B. Tax credits C. Awards from the Federal Felony Council D. Government loans None 13. Research shows that a benefit of healthy relationships is: A. Avoiding early death B. More sex than when people are single C. A 25% reduction in divorce rates D. Becoming wealthy quicker None 14. When an investor or customer makes a purchasing decision, the first thing they look at is if they: A. Like and trust you B. Like and trust your product or service C. Were already on the market for your product or service D. Can afford your product or service None 15. The percentage of HR professionals who report that their companies have hired people with criminal histories is: A. 10% (one-tenth) B. 33% (one-third) C. 50% (half) D. 67% (two-thirds) None 16. An effective strategy for not taking the bait is: A. Not going to sleep hungry B. Rising early C. Snapping your fingers instead of using violence D. Knowing your triggers None 17. Even if you’re boring, a key to successful networking and being perceived as a great conversationalist is: A. Keeping your personal introduction to less than three minutes B. Asking excellent questions C. Name dropping D. Asking for at least one referral to an interesting person None 18. Employers claim the most important factor in hiring people with criminal histories is: A. That the candidate served five years or less in prison B. Whether or not the employer has a job opening C. That the candidate has a strong reference from their PO D. The candidate’s demonstrated consistent work history None 19. When someone looks for their first job after incarceration, the best advice can be summed up as: A. Keep looking until you land a great job with a good salary, or you’re more likely to recidivate B. Set realistic expectations: you probably won’t land a job for six months C. Apply for jobs even when you’re not qualified; try enough times, and you’ll land one D. Don’t be picky with your first job: you’re more employable when you’re employed None 20. A proven leadership strategy in setting “smart goals” is to make sure the goal is: A. Time-bound B. Easy to achieve C. Ambitious D. Broadly defined None 21. To credibly articulate your transformation to an employer: A. Point to tangible ways in which you’ve changed your life B. Share that you’ve become a person of faith if it’s true C. Share your plans to volunteer and give back to the community D. Emphasize three times in the interview that you will never get incarcerated again None 22. The stress of telling a lie: A. Reduces life expectancy by an average of five years B. Leads 60% of people to overeat C. Leads your body to release hormones like cortisol and testosterone D. Leads most people to never tell that lie again None 23. A common criminal thinking error is: A. Stealing from the victim B. Stalking the victim C. Playing the victim D. Ignoring the victim None 24. A resume is: A. A listing of every job a person has held B. Considered by recruiters to be the most important job-hunting tool C. Evaluated for an average of three minutes by employers D. The most important financial document of most people’s lives None 25. Selling drugs: A. Is a victimless crime, if the user was planning to buy from someone else B. Is the most profitable trade in America C. Often leads to homelessness D. Leads innocent children to be victimized None Previous Next Next Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
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