
Real Impact: What Correctional Leaders and Participants Are Saying

Success Stories: What Correctional Leaders are Saying

It is with much enthusiasm that I recommend Hustle 2.0 and their rehabilitation programs to prison and jail administrators looking for effective and evidence-based programming solutions.

As Sheriff of Harris County, I lead the largest sheriff’s office in Texas and one of the largest in the United States. Our nearly 4,600 employees are dedicated to ensuring the safety of more than 4.1 million residents who call Harris County home. With a daily average jail population of 8,700, I believe it is our duty to provide opportunities for education, rehabilitation, and personal growth to individuals incarcerated in our care. 

In 2019, my top deputies and I had the opportunity to volunteer for three days with Hustle 2.0’s program at Pelican Bay State Prison in California. That experience was as impactful and rewarding for me and my staff as it was for the incarcerated program participants. We returned to Houston after our weekend at Pelican Bay, excited to bring the Hustle 2.0 program to Texas.  

We are privileged to now be offering Hustle 2.0’s Preseason program to residents at Harris County Jail. Hustle 2.0’s program is extra special to me, and it brings me great joy to personally present completion certificates to our participants. The program has been very successful for us, and I know the best is yet to come.  

It is with much enthusiasm that I recommend Hustle 2.0 and their rehabilitation programs to prison and jail administrators looking for effective and evidence-based programming solutions.

– Ed Gonzalez, Sheriff, Harris County Sheriff’s Office

When a program is self-paced, relatable, engaging, provides incremental rewards to the student, and is offered at a low cost with minimal impact on staff resources—that’s a win-win for any correctional system.

At Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS), we needed a tool that we could provide to our population held in Longer-term Restrictive Housing that was self-paced, required minimal staff resources, and that would engage the students. Hustle 2.0 checked all of those boxes and more.

Written by people with lived experience, and vetted by people with educational backgrounds in programming and curriculum development, Hustle 2.0 provides us with a perfect blend of relatable engagement and an evidence-based approach. It speaks to an incarcerated population.

When a program is self-paced, relatable, engaging, provides incremental rewards to the student, and is offered at a low cost with minimal impact on staff resources—that’s a win-win for any correctional system.

– Scott Frakes, Former Director, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services

Hustle 2.0 is such an integral part of programming in the jail…

This program gave the inmates real life stories from other inmates whom they could relate to and provided them tools to be successful once they are released from jail.  In just a year, we have had 253 inmates involved in the program! Hustle 2.0 is such an integral part of programming in the jail, and now there are many more requests from inmates to get a book and start this series.They are very enthusiastic about the program, and some have told me they go back and reread portions of the book and will be using it when they are released. The inmates have told us they wanted to have a class so they could sit and discuss the different chapters in the book, so we have recently started a class to allow them the opportunity to do this.

– Cynthia Johnson, Program Coordinator, Ingham County Jail

word is spreading within the units and others are eager to participate.

Prisons are the last frontier who have not implemented a peer based strategy to support behavioral change. This is done for cancer patients, those with severe and persistent mental illness, but not in prisons from a person centered point of view. This program does that.

Though we’ve only introduced Hustle 2.0 in the past few months, it has generated numerous positive reviews from the incarcerated population who have read the material, and we’re also hearing that word is spreading within the units and others are eager to participate. Some of the feedback received specifically states they’ve benefited immensely from it because it’s not another DOC-initiated program that DOC is requiring them to complete as an avenue out of Restrictive Housing.

– Sean Murphy, Deputy Secretary, Washington Department of Corrections

Check out this video about Southern Utah University’s experience volunteering with Hustle 2.0 at a maximum-security facility in California

Success Stories: What Participants are Saying

No other program compares to the material I’ve read, gained, and learned from Hustle.

I’ve been incarcerated for 12 years and I’ve taken every class this institution has offered. No other program compares to the material I’ve read, gained, and learned from Hustle. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for this Hustle 2.0 opportunity. I’m about to be released in a year and Hustle 2.0 gave me the knowledge and wisdom to prepare for it. There isn’t a pre-release or repeat offender that could’ve put my mindframe where Hustle 2.0 did. The stories of those being released and their paths are encouraging and enlightening. I can relate and learn as they speak of their reentry journey. I’ve learned what it means to feel emotions and remove walls. Hustle 2.0 is truly a blessing for anyone who wants to discover the best version of themselves.

– Jasmine from Missouri

Growing up, my life was motivated by my gang involvement. Hustle 2.0 helped me to see my misplaced loyalty, which allowed me to justify the criminal behavior.

I now have the courage to look inside myself, dig deep, and become aware of my criminal thinking. I am proud to say that I have since taken steps to separate myself from criminal activity. Hustle 2.0 has shown me the steps I must take to pursue the new goals and dreams that I now share with my family and friends. I now surround myself with like-minded people. I have accepted my past. I also accept my present circumstances with hope and purpose for the future. I am deeply committed to this journey, for now and always.

– Trenton Dukes from California

Hustle 2.0 taught me how to survive trauma … set goals and finish what I start … interrupt wrongful patterns + destructive behaviors … and the importance of having an accountability partner.

I came to prison for a mistake that turned tragic, when I was 22 years young. Due to it being an accident, I never thought there was much for me to learn here. Yet, Hustle 2.0 has shown me that I most definitely had room for improvement and that I had many errors in my thinking. Our actions are the fruit of our thoughts, so if your thoughts are wrong, our actions will be too. Without ever realizing it, there were lots of holes in my life that H2.0 has helped to fill. This program has taught me so much, Hustle 2.0 taught me how to survive trauma … set goals and finish what I start … interrupt wrongful patterns + destructive behaviors … and the importance of having an accountability partner. I tried to go to college when I first arrived, but my family could not afford my way. So I thought if my own family couldn’t pay, nobody ever would, but I was wrong. This program showed me I could change, and invested in my future. I’m now paying it forward by teaching what I’ve learned to other inmates here. Thank you again for this chance; it’s changed my life.

– Jessica from Texas

This program helped me find purpose in my pain, break the chains, and set myself free.

Hustle 2.0 helped me stop making excuses and blaming others, realizing that I have the power to change. I refuse to let my past define who I’ll be when I walk out of these gates. I want to be a better version of myself and give back to the community I once harmed. This program helped me find purpose in my pain, break the chains, and set myself free.

– Anne Marie from Colorado

My relationship with my family has improved and my outlook upon relationships had a 360 cleaning due to the Healthy Relationships and Domestic Violence courses.

During my visit with my mother in 2019, I chose to address all the pain I’ve caused her throughout my youth and adulthood. I never physically abused anyone in my relationships, but after taking the Domestic Violence course, I realized I was both an abuser and victim of domestic violence! I learned the many different forms of abuse that can be experienced during relationships. My new outlook has enabled me and moms to get into a routine of writing or calling every two weeks, and I’m getting to know my mother on a personal level. Once the time comes, I know my relationships with anyone will be of a healthy nature.

– Victor Cole from California

Hustle 2.0 has helped me to not quit … believe … and not give up hope for a positive future despite my sentence.

Hustle 2.0 has given me great knowledge. It’s helped me to heal from the traumas in my life. I’m learning to walk around with a more positive, confident mindframe. I’m learning necessary things I was never taught in the world about job readiness, about how to set myself up for success … be responsible … and hold myself accountable. People see me smile more, listen to what I share with them from what I’m learning, and are even trying to take part in their own change now. My favorite part has been not feeling alone in my pain. Even though H2.0 isn’t here physically, they make me feel a part of it, they make me feel like I have help and I can do this. Hustle 2.0 has helped me to not quit … believe … and not give up hope for a positive future despite my sentence. I’m on a mission and I’m going to do my very best to help myself, help others inside of here… and help my daughter and her friends! 

– Bethany from North Dakota

Hustle 2.0 helped me to heal from my childhood trauma so I can reduce the trauma my kids experience from my incarceration.

Hustle 2.0 helped me change my mindset. I learned that I can grow my abilities as long as I try and put in the effort. Hustle 2.0 helped me to heal from my childhood trauma so I can reduce the trauma my kids experience from my incarceration. This program helps me to focus on healing, giving me courage to face the hard truths.

– M.K. from Michigan

I’ve never been so committed to anything in my life, especially myself!

The joy I feel when I’ve received the Hustle 2.0 workbooks is unexplainable. I’ve never been so committed to anything in my life, especially myself! I am continually learning new ways of changing my perspective and ways of living while I’m here in prison. While completing The Preseason, being courteous and respectful to the COs was a challenge. But now, I’m always greeting COs, whether they acknowledge me or not. It’s helping me build character and the COs notice that I’m no longer a trouble inmate. I love Hustle 2.0!!

– Charlotte from Illinois

I’ve battled with addiction for a long time, and the Hustle Guides have given me a different outlook on how I want to live.

I’m 33 years old, mother of 2, currently 4 ½ years into a 15 year sentence. Hustle 2.0 gave me a sense of purpose, helping me to let go of the shame and guilt that has held me back from being better. I have goals now. I want to succeed and be a member of society. I’ve battled with addiction for a long time, and the Hustle Guides have given me a different outlook on how I want to live.

– C.B. from Indiana

Hustle 2.0 in action


A short film about our transformational work at Pelican Bay State Prison